Video: Okhmatdyt Hospital Targeted by Russian Kh-101 Missiles

Vídeo: Hospital Okhmatdyt alvo de ataque com mísseis russos Kh-101. Foto e vídeo: Telegram Okhmatdyt Hospital Targeted by Russian Kh-101 Missiles. Photo and video: Telegram

The Okhmatdyt Children’s Hospital, the largest in Ukraine, was intentionally hit by a Kh-101 cruise missile launched by Russia. The Ukrainian security service SBU found the missile debris at the site and classified the attack as a war crime.

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Videos recorded by witnesses at the moment of impact refute Russian claims that the hospital was hit by a Ukrainian air defense error.

The Kh-101 missile is programmed to perform a “glide” before hitting the target, increasing the attack angle. In the video, there are no signs of smoke or burning, indicating that the missile was operating as planned and was not intercepted by air defenses, hitting its target precisely.

The attack is part of a broader strategy that Ukrainian authorities say targets civilians. Andriy Yermak, head of the Ukrainian president’s office, shared an image on social media showing a Russian missile moments before hitting the hospital, identifying it as a Kh-101 cruise missile. He condemned the attack as deliberate, stating, “They intentionally targeted the children today.”

In the airstrikes carried out by Russia in several Ukrainian cities yesterday, the final victim count is 37 dead, including 3 children, and 170 injured. More than 100 facilities and infrastructures were hit, including the Okhmatdyt Hospital, which suffered severe damage due to the missile impact.

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Vídeo: Hospital Okhmatdyt alvo de ataque com mísseis russos Kh-101. Foto e vídeo: Telegram

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy promised retaliation.

“Okhmatdyt Children’s Hospital in Kyiv. One of the most important CHILDREN’S hospitals not only in Ukraine but also in Europe. Okhmatdyt has been saving and restoring the health of thousands of children. Now that the hospital has been damaged by a Russian attack, there are people under the rubble, and the exact number of victims is still unknown.

Right now, everyone is helping to clear the debris – doctors and ordinary people. Russia cannot claim ignorance about where their missiles are flying and must be fully held accountable for all its crimes. Against people, against children, against humanity in general. It is very important that the world does not remain silent about this now and that everyone sees what Russia is and what it is doing.”

The attack on the Okhmatdyt Hospital, the worst in Kyiv since the beginning of Russia’s invasion in February 2022, left five dead and at least four injured, according to Interior Minister Ihor Klymenko. Rescue operations are ongoing as hundreds of workers search the rubble for survivors. Health Minister Viktor Liashko confirmed the chaotic scene: “We are extracting whoever we can. We do not know the number of people trapped there.”

Photo and video: Telegram Source: ukdefencejournal This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.

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